Saturday (3/21) Update: Crossroads & Coronavirus

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” -- Psalm 91:1–2 (NASB95)
Despite all the craziness of recent weeks, I felt very peaceful last night driving through my neighborhood. Julia and I were on our way out for a date night. In coronavirus season that means getting some takeout food to eat on our porch. We were going to get some ice cream for the family as well.
It was a beautiful night. I’ve never seen so many people out walking around. Most of them were engaging each other AND keeping appropriate physical distance. It was warm. People were smiling. I was smiling.
I wondered how many of these folks would be otherwise occupied a month ago on a Friday evening. Maybe they would have been at a sporting event or watching a TV show. Maybe out to dinner and a movie.
Who knows? What I do know is that it was refreshing to see human beings enjoying God’s creation - especially nature and human relationships. I praised the Lord. I was at peace.
A few hours earlier, I was sad for no particular reason. A little while later, I was disappointed, for a good reason - no ice cream at Giant. None!
You are probably feeling a mix of emotions, too. That’s OK. Pay attention to yourself, to others, and, most of all, to the Lord. He is at work. He is faithful. Take shelter in him and abide in his shadow - whatever your emotional state.
If you get sick or need help, please let us know. Respond to this message, call or text me, reach out to an elder or deacon, call the church office. We would like to help, to pray, and to encourage you.
In Christ,
Pastor Mike
Tomorrow (Sunday, 3/22), we plan to have two special “at a distance” events:
A Sunday School Lesson from Elder Allen Ellis at 8:45 AM on Facebook live. A note sheet will be sent tomorrow morning.
A Crossroads Family Worship time led by Pastor Mike and Justin Henney on Facebook live at 10 AM. Join us for singing, prayer, and a message from Psalm 91. The order of worship, message outline, and links to songs will be provided with the Facebook live post.
Both events will be accessible from the Crossroads Community Church Facebook page (scroll down to “Posts” and look for the live video notice).
You don’t need to have a Facebook account to watch either event. They will be available to watch later as well. If you have a Facebook account, say “Hi” to one another and/or interact with the class.
We haven’t decided about church activities beyond March 31 at this point. We are still in crisis mode, dealing with little more than a week at a time in making decisions. That means our next discussion will cover Palm Sunday and Communion (4/5) and then Good Friday (4/10) and Easter (4/12). Please pray for wisdom and for the Lord to halt the virus.
The Ultimate Youth Retreat has officially been cancelled for 2020. We will issue refund checks to all who paid or made a deposit as soon as we can.
Some have asked about the Preschool. It follows the schedule of he Upper Darby School District and has been closed as long as they have been. No decision has yet been made about the rest of the school year.
Check out these free Christian / Bible Study resources from Crossway.
A diverse people, united in Christ, with hearts being transformed by God’s Word, to expand His kingdom in our community
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