Monday (5/11) Crossroads Updates
Looking ForwardI mentioned last week that things were "looking up". The world was starting to come out of quarantine even if our area remained under restrictions. Since then, Governor Wolf has clarified his "process to reopen Pennsylvania".
The Governor's plan for re-opening has 3 phases patterned after a traffic light -- RED, YELLOW, and GREEN -- only in reverse. We are currently at a RED light, looking forward to it turning YELLOW so we can "proceed with caution" until the light turns GREEN.
The light in our area is staying RED (probably through June 4) primarily to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed with the sick and to give medical workers the best possibility of staying healthy.
I feel myself rolling forward at the RED light. How about you? I am even tempted to run the "traffic light". What keeps my foot on the brake and helps me avoid running the light?
On the one hand, I probably wouldn't get hurt by not social distancing. I'd probably recover from COVID-19 if I even got it.
On the other hand, my mother and father, many of our church members, and many more in our community would likely not do as well with this disease.
So, I am sitting at the RED light. I am looking forward to moving forward, but my foot is on the brake. I am doing what I can for now - working from home and practicing social distance. I am praying for you in your various situations as well.
Along with your elders, I am also continuing to monitor the situation. We are starting to work with the deacons on a plan for re-opening when the light turns YELLOW. We are looking at options for interim gatherings and continuing to improve the current format (Live Stream worship, Zoom meetings for small groups and prayer, teleconference prayer, etc.).
At this point, however, the brakes are on for all in person meetings of Crossroads. We continue to remain suspended until further notice.
In Christ,
Pastor Mike
![]() You can run the Governor's RED light as many do with real traffic lights in DelCo!
And just as most people avoid accidents doing that, you might not get sick. Or, you might have a minor collision with the virus and fully recover.
You also might leave a horrible crash behind you and never know it.
Please prayerfully consider your actions in the light of God's Word and love for your neighbor.
![]() Part of the reason things don't seem that bad is that social distancing is working.
Here is an interesting "dashboard" on COVID-19 cases, hospital capacity, and more.
Sunday Recap
Pastor David pointed us to a hopeful vision of the future when King Jesus reverses the curse.
Watch the whole worship service "on demand" at our webpage or on Facebook Live.
Watch the latest Sunday School lesson with Elder Ellis on demand at our webpage or on Facebook Live.
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